So, the first ride I was around for that the park put in was a water ride. Pretty simple thing. They had an employee preview night which I now know they do for every new ride they put in. Everything worked perfectly. Or at least that's what I heard because I didn't go. Anti-social tendencies. Well, the next day they opened up to the public, and everything was going great until a group of people got stuck on the ride. Because it was a water ride they couldn't just get out of the seats. They had to wait. They fixed it, and operation continued as normal. The very next day the same thing happened. People stuck, can't get out. Maintenance guy comes. They continue as normal. This happened for like the first month the ride opened, and then one day it just stopped. Cool.
Second new ride I was around for was a roller coaster type thing. Employee preview went fine. Open up to the public and it has problems. This one they shut down for days at a time. Then after operation continues, something else happens and boom bang pow, the ride is shut down again.
Third ride. Same, exact, thing. Employee preview is fine. They open up to the public and then a bunch of problems happen. Ride is shut down.

Here's the thing about roller coasters. They can test run the things as much as they want to, but they'll never be able to know how the ride handles ten plus hours straight of operation with an extra couple thousand pounds weighing down on the ride. Every single new ride that has been introduced in that park that I worked at has not opened smoothly. Not one.
So my advice to you is to wait it out. If you try going the first day, you might be waiting for hours in line only to find that the ride went down right as you got to the front. Fun way to spend your day, right?