Thursday, June 16, 2016

There's No Such Thing As A Dumb Question.

At a different park I used to work at I had the luxury of working with animals. One thing I noticed about that park is that everything you could do to get near them was highly advertised. It was great, you could swim with the Dolphins, you could feed giraffes, you could pet a sloth, sleep with tiger, fly on the back of a bald eagle. Crazy stuff.

When you walked in the park, they usually had a trainer handling a smaller animal that you could get up close and personal with. Something like a snake, or a Parrot. They even had a penguin out one time. When you walked around the park there were statues of all the animals, a bunch of signs pointing to where the animals are. Animals were a huge thing at that park.

On one occasion I was walking through the main entrance. A guy stopped me in front of the Dolphin tank that had a window where you could look inside. His back was to the tank and I was looking directly at it. Keep in mind here he had already passed one of the handlers in the very front of the park, and at least three adverts that had something to do with animals.

"Excuse me sir. Do you work here?" he says.

Of course I don't. I just cosplay an employee in my free time and wear this bright shirt, name tag, and a radio on my hip so I can appear more convincing.

"Yeah, how can I help you?" I ask.

Right as one of the dolphins swam up to the window to get a better look at the dirty kid that was standing in it, this guy asks me a question.

"Are there animals in the park?"

I'm convinced that at that moment I had a minor heart attack. This guy had caught me so off guard that I temporarily lost my balance. I was noticing a slight pain in my chest and a headache was setting in so I held my hand out and asked this gentleman to give me moment. I couldn't believe it. This question was so stupid I started questioning myself whether or not there were animals in the park and I'd been working there for over a year.

I realized there was still some hope left. Maybe he just meant what kind of animals. So I asked him that.

"Do you mean what kind of animals?"

That's a hint right? I gave him a hint to the answer of his question. There was no way he could have meant what I thought he meant.

"No, just animals in general. I wanted to know if you guys had animals here in the park."

I couldn't handle it. I quit. On the spot.


  1. I totally feel the struggle! People definitely need to think before they speak! (or at least use their eyes). I used to work at Starbucks, and I would get people asking me if the iced drink on the counter was theres, when they ordered hot drinks! I wish I had the guts to quit on the spot! heres a good buzzfeed article I found that you could relate to!

  2. I work in retail so I relate to this post on a personal level. At least 12 times a day people walk up to me and ask "Do you work here?" like I'm not wearing a name tag around my neck that says URBAN OUTFITTERS. Like I just love to wear things that say Urban Outfitters, like working there isn't embarrassing enough. Anyways, people are always asking "Where are the fitting rooms?" and mind you there is a huge sign that clearly reads in lights, Fitting Rooms. I feel you, man.
